Wednesday 21 August 2013

The faces of Autism

I know it's been awhile since I've done anything on my blog, and once the kids are back in school it will become a priority again.

Having said that I'm many of you of you are aware of the hateful letter that has been circulating about a young autistic boy and the pure evil of a neighbor.

Having a child who is on the spectrum, this has become personal for me. Rather then focus on the pure evil of this letter, I want the world to see what autism looks like.

If you have a loved one or know someone on the spectrum please share your photo's. I have started a faces of autism album and I believe the world needs to see what autism REALLY looks like!

Here are just a couple of the faces - my son included.

This my 8 year old son Myles. He loves Pokemon, Star Wars, Skylanders, animals, lego and his family. He is the most amazing and protective big brother. He has a huge heart, a unique sense of humor and is incredibly smart. He teaches me everyday to think outside the box, to see the world from a different angle to accept other's just for who they are. I wouldn't change one single thing about him. He has autism.

Gavin is a non-verbal 8 yr old autistic boy who loves Blues clues, Dora and to laugh. He loves that he can read and spell and navigate a computer like a pro!!! We wouldn't want him any other way!!!!!